Islamic Books – Reviews of Recent Bestsellers


With every passing year, there are more and more Islamic books being published & offered to the Muslim people. As there are a variety of Urdu Islamic books available, it becomes difficult for Muslim people to pick the one which includes authentic facts. For any Muslim reader like me, the most essential thing of reading is the choice of books that I read in order to acquire something enlightening, well crafted and not repeated. Due to all these reasons, I always finish up doing more investigation about upcoming books prior I decide to purchase one. There are number of Islamic gift stores and Arabic bookstores in the market that are providing a range of books. Stated below are some of the most preferredĀ  Quran Stories for Children that were tempting to read!

“No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam” by Reza Aslan

The well-written, quite informative Islamic books as of now that I read newly. Crafted by Reza Aslan, it showcased a little bit of the Arabic world, giving rise to the life and learning of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The book also provides an education of the rise of culture to the eastern countries and the Sufi arts of leanings. Despite the fact that this novel was factual, it was composed keeping in mind the interesting factor and simpler to comprehend manner that verified to be a knowledgeable read.

“The Name of the Named” by Sheikh Tosun Bayrak

This book is also considered as one of the widely preferred Islamic Books; it provides an information about the 99 names of Allah swt and their messages and importance. Highly appreciated by Arabic readers, this book is an absolute inspiration to look at the many features of Allah, whereas the non Islamic reader can also explore a plenty from this in terms of studying about the greathearted and heavenly attributes of Allah. Some other great feature of this Islamic book is the author’s interpretationĀ  of how to employ these antithetic names to put an impact on the souls of the masses. The book is readily available at any Islamic Gifts Store or Arabic Bookstore at a highly competitive price.

“What is Sufism?” by Martin Lings

Composed by one of the finest writers, Martin Lings has really done a great work in framing the book. The job inclines to stand out and shine. Being a responsible person of Muslim culture, the writer has made a detailed research and presented the public of religious belief to the reader from the novice’s level. It responds to the quires that the reader might have about what the Sufi’s believed in and what they advocated. This is really considered one of the well-crafted Arabic books about the subject that makes a deep impact on the readers about Sufism at the similar time!

Apart from selecting Urdu Islamic Books or quran stories, you can also go for Islamic Games that can help you learn about the different aspects of the culture.