Why Is It Important For The Kids To Learn The Islamic Religion?

Islam is recognized, as a monotheistic religious tradition. In the Middle East in the 7th century C.E. Islamic religion had developed, which means “surrender”. The Quran is considered, as the sacred text of Islam, which contains the teachings of the Prophet ‘Muhammad’. He teaches that there is only one God to all the Muslims. It is necessary for the Islam, to believe that Allah is the only one and true God. The  most unifying characteristics of Islam is the ‘Five Pillars’, known as the fundamental practices of Islam. These five practices  are as follows:

– The zakat (charity)
– Ritual profession of faith
– Ritual prayer
– The Hajj (a pilgrimage to Mecca).
– And Fasting.

By the commitment: For paying to Allah at least five times in a day, most of the Muslims are characterized. Defining characteristics of Islam are the Primacy of sacred places, which include: Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem. In the mosques, they all gather to worship Allah, study scripture and pray.

In Islam, there is no distinction of any type between the secular and religious aspects of life. If we speak, about the aspects of a Muslim’s life, then they all are considered to be oriented to serving Allah. This religion is expanding almost immediately beyond its birthplace, that is in the Arabian peninsula, and now, it has a significant influence in Africa, Americas, Europe and the Asia.

Goodword Books is an online Islamic book store, located in Delhi, supplying all the Islamic religion books in The English, Hindi, French and in many more languages and various resources at a cheap price.

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